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AttorneyAnja Bloesser

Anja Bloesser, lic. iur. Attorney-at-law, certified specialist SBA inheritance law, born 1966

Professional activities

Since 2024Partner at HERZER Rechtsanwälte
1997 – 2024Partner at a Zurich law firm
1997Taking up as independent attorney (partner)
1995 – 1997Attorney at a Zurich law firm
1991 – 1994Auditor and clerk at Pfäffikon District Court


2016Graduation as Certified Specialist SBA inheritance law
2015 – 2016Specialisation in inheritance law, Universities of Zurich and Lucerne and Swiss Bar Association (SBA)
1995Zurich bar admission
1991Degree (lic. iur.)
1986 – 1991Law Studies at the University of Zurich
1978 – 1985Realgymnasium Rämibühl Zurich


German, English



Anja Bloesser